Monday, May 9, 2016

10 Lessons From Mom

Hey y'all!

Mother's Day was yesterday and I unfortunately could not be there to celebrate. It got me thinking about how much my mom has taught me over the years. She is my very best friend and I thank the Lord everyday that he gave me a mom that is caring, loving, giving, and always there for me. She has taught me so much and I know as life goes on I will learn more and more from her.

1. Celebrate the little accomplishments along with the big ones. She always cheered for my winnings in FFA just as loud as she would cheer for my B on my English paper. No milestone was too small to be proud of.

2. Travel often and know about where you are going. I have been very fortunate to get to travel many places with my family. Wherever we would go, my mom would have spent the past 3 months researching famous and historical spots that we needed to see. As much as I dislike history it's hard to hate it when you're standing right there.

3. If people aren't meant to be in your life, it is okay to let them go. I have a hard time standing up for myself and letting go of friendships, even unhealthy ones. I play the "what if" game in my head. My mom always taught me that if it's not meant to be in life then it won't be.

4. Say your please and thank you's. I am so grateful that my parents taught me those southern manners. My generation is getting to the point where we don't use these enough. I want to be a part of the few that still do.

5. Don't hate the person, hate the act. Just because someone is hurting you does not mean they are a bad person. Whatever they are doing it is just a bad act and pray that one day they can see that.

6. Ask for help when you need it. It is okay to admit you need help. I always saw it as being weak and that's not true. Sometimes a job takes two people and that's fine.

7. Be a good listener. My mom is the best listener I know. When I am home and just need to vent about the events of the day - she's there. She, without a doubt, has always just been a phone call away when I need her.

8. Don't let your fears stand in your way. She may be afraid of heights but she will still jump off a cliff in the Bahamas. She never lets fear get in the way of taking on an adventure.

9. Pray about everything. Pray when you're happy. Pray when you're sad. Pray when you're thankful for something. Pray when you're going through something. The answer is always prayer and then wait to see what God's plan is.

10. Never settle for anything less than your daddy. Whenever my dad would do something nice for her she would turn to me and say these exact words. As a kid it never meant that much to me. Now that I am an adult I can see how important it is. I hope that the man I marry is half as great as my dad is and my mom will always be the one who taught me this.

Whether the lesson be "always listen to Jimmy Buffett" or "when in doubt, cook Santa Fe soup" I know my mom has taught me to be the kind and loving person that I am. I hope one day I can be the mom to my kids like the one God gave me. Now, go hug your mom tight and tell us in the comments - What is a lesson your mom has taught you? And remember, always love the life you live!

Sadie Lee
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