Friday, June 10, 2016

10 Lessons From Dad

Hey y'all!

With Father's Day just around the corner I took some time to reflect on all the things my Dad has done for me over the years. Now that I am older and off at school, I don't get to spend as much time with him. I carry the lessons I have learned with me everyday and I strive to live a life just like my parents do.

1. Say your I love you's. This sounds so silly. But he never fails to say I love you when he hangs up the phone or when we part ways. NEVER. And I love that.

2. Always click the camera button 100 times for the best shot. When I was younger I use to complain about posing in front of the camera with my mean older brother (who is now my best friend, something dad predicted would happen). My dad would click click click click click photos and we would sigh or roll our eyes. Half of the photos would be us just walking away from the camera. I don't know where the tables turned to me being a fashion blogger but, dad never fails to always get the best shots for the blog.

3. It will all work out the way it is suppose to. I hate waiting and I hate being in stressful situations. No matter what is happening he is just as calm as can be. Somehow dad's just know that everything is going to be okay.

4. Laughter is the best medicine. Most effective way to get through anything is to laugh about it. Laugh at your situation, laugh at yourself, laugh with those around you. Laughter can solve it all.

5. Family is everything. My dad's number one priority has always been family. He puts family right under the Lord and above everything else. We are a team and we are consistently trying to build each other up to be the best that we can be.

6. Respect the bell and ring responsibly. I am proud to say that I am attending Mississippi State University. This is also the home of my dad's Alma Mater. A tradition at MSU is to ring your cowbell during football games but only at the appropriate times approved by the Southeastern Conference. My dad and I have been attending games since I was a little girl and he was the first one to teach me how to properly ring your cowbell.

7. This too shall pass. It's hard to believe but there is a positive to every negative. Dad is constantly reminding me of this statement. I try extra hard to remember this when I am angry at the little things.

8. You can do it. He is a fixer upper. If it is a do-it-yourself he will do it. I have countless pieces of furniture around my house that my dad has created. He also taught me that almost can anything can be fixed with your own two hands.

9. Creativity is key. I have always had a creative aspect. As a kid I loved making crafts and fun DIYs. Now that I am an adult I have used my creativity, well, here to create this blog. I feel that I get this characteristic from my dad. He loves taking photos and using them to make videos. My favorite ones are of our family vacations. Check them out at!

10. No man will ever love you like your dad loves you. One thing is for sure, there is no love like a daddy's love. He has been there for all the ups and downs. He has continued to love me through every struggle and victory that I have encountered in life. And cheered me on through it all.

To the guy who takes 80% of my blog photos, who never turns away one of my ideas, my favorite bulldog, and one of the best cheerleaders - Thank you for being the best dad in the world! I don't know where I would be in life without your love and support. I have conquered my battles and taken on my victories with you by my side and I wouldn't want anyone else. Thank you for doing everything in your power so that my dreams can come true. Thank you for providing me with a everything I need. And thank you being the number one guy in my life. Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Sadie Lee

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Remember to always love the life you live!

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