Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hello 2017!

Hey y'all!

In 2016 I...
moved 601 miles from my forever best friends (AKA my parents) and starting attending my dream school. I have been able to walk the same halls as my father, my grandfather, and many family members in between. I became a doggy momma - see Instagram HERE. I was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD. New family members joined us into this world and some left us for a better place above. I started working at a golf course. No, I still don't know how to play golf. I got to rejoin my sorority here at my new school. This brought me amazing new friends. I found a major I love studying. I experienced a real football season - HAIL STATE! I turned 22. I'm half way to 23 now and this really isn't as exciting as Taylor Swift made it sound. I reconnected with old friends and made some new ones. I worked with some amazing companies on projects that will help change the world. I have been battling a stomach condition and made the decision to cut gluten from my diet. I was elected into Dance Marathon marketing team. You can read all about my project goals HERE. I turned in a submission to the NRF Big Show and I get to go to New York to meet with the retail companies. I was elected as Chi Omega's newest Director of Marketing. For the first semester ever, I made the Dean's List. Most importantly, I (attempted) to complete my #HSLGamePlan.

In 2016 I learned...
things are not always going to turn out the way you planned in your pretty planner. Life brings heartache. Of course, we look back on the positive things and the accomplishments we completed. But it isn't always rainbows. I cried, ALOT. I contemplated moving home. I knew God brought me here for a reason and that I needed to stick it out. I learned that people are taken from this world and there may never be an explanation for it. I learned that you can't always be the strong one. Sometimes that job should be left for someone else. I learned that you have to stand up for yourself. My personality is very outgoing but, I have a hard time believing in myself. I learned you can do it. You can do anything. It will take hard work, dedication, perseverance, and maybe some accountability from those around you but, you can do it.
In 2017 I hope to... 
become more in love with my blog, (almost) finish my degree, complete another half marathon, and find happiness in everything I do. The goals I have set are intended to make me a happier, healthier, more thankful, and fulfilled me. Sometimes it's hard to make a goal that last 365 days. I am focusing on the things that fill me with joy, the things that make me laugh so hard my belly hurts and my one dimple shows. This year is about being delighted and overjoyed. It is about finding your happiness.

- Develop a schedule -
- Try really hard to get two posts up a week (Y'all know I'm not good at this) -
- Dedicate time to communication -

- Define my career goals -
- Add two more amazing semesters to my GPA -
- Find a route for organization -

- Stick to my diet plans and try to cut bread / pasta as best I can -
- Try something new -
- Complete another half marathon (that would make number 9 since I was 14) -

- Take a new adventure each month (#HSLTravels, anyone?) -
- Take a 30 min me time each day -
- Become a morning person (NOT EASY) -

I have posted these goals on my white board so I can continue to refer to them. I hope by the end of 2017 I can come back and tell you all about the way I took 2017 and filled it with happy memories, good people, and exciting adventures. What are your goals / resolutions for this year?

Sadie Lee
Follow me: Instagram . Cooper . Facebook . Pinterest . Twitter . Shop With Me 

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